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Category Archives: Theme back-end

Articles with description of the theme and framework options available in the back-end and configuration tips

Shortcodes settings

Shortcodes are facilities which are not used by everyone. Besides, XHTML code of the majority of typography elements can be generated manually. It causes that not all CSS and JavaScript files connected with Shortcodes are needed while loading a page. Thanks to a Shortcodes tab, it is possible to switch off chosen groups of Shortcodes:…

Theme branding settings

There are four key places connected with branding in a theme based on GavernWP framework: page’s logo page’s footer framework’s logo under a page’s footer page’s favicon There are the following administration panel options responsible for these elements:   In the case of a framework’s logo, it is only possible to switch it on/off. Footer…

Back-end branding settings

In order to adjust stylistics of an administration panel to a GavernWP page, there are some options allowing to adjust the look of administration panel elements to a theme of a page given. You will find the following options in a back-end branding tab: The first two options are connected with a logotype displayed on…

Typography button

To simplify shortcodes use available in themes based on GavernWP framework, a button for theme’s typography has been implemented which is available in a posts editor:   By clicking this button, you will see a list of available typography elements:   It is possible to choose a version with a stylistic specified for the majority…

Import/Export settings

Sometimes, there is a situation when you have to copy a configuration from one installation to another. In order to simplify it, GavernWP has been equipped with an import and export options of theme’s settings in “Import/Export” tab of a theme’s main menu: After entering a page of these settings, you will see the following…


GavernWP has an update section which allows to access information whether a theme was updated to the latest version. In order to access an updates panel, you have to use “Updates” submenu from a main menu of theme’s options: If a theme was not updated, a list of updates will appear; which are newer than…

Theme live editor

GavernWP has basic support for a new option available in WordPress 3.4 – an options editor with themes preview. Now, the most important options connected with theme’s style and its layout has been implemented to a live editor. In order to reach it easier, we placed a direct link to this editor in the top…


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